Design of Basic Vital Signs Measurement Tool And Dehydration Early Detection in Human Body
Dehydration, max30100 sensor, GY90614MLX sensor, TCS3200 sensorAbstract
A tool has been made to monitor vital signs such as heart rate, oxygen saturation in the blood, and body temperature based on a microcontroller which is based on dehydration conditions where the body loses more fluid than the amount of fluid it enters. Parameters for carrying out this detection include heart rate, blood oxygen saturation (SpO2), body temperature and urine color. The targets of this research are (a) making a prototype, (b) programming the system with the help of the Arduino IDE, and (c) measuring system performance. The research method starts from making a prototype and measuring system performance. The results of measuring the performance of the tool show that the error for measuring heart rate is 1.28%, measuring blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) is 0.51%, and measuring body temperature is 1.729%. However, for the dehydration detection test from 5 test samples, the results showed a success percentage of 60% with an average error of 40%. Overall the tool can function well
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