Detection of Sitting Posture for Employees Using Microcontroller
Microcontroller, Bluetooth, RTC, SD Card Module, SmartphoneAbstract
Sitting for prolonged periods with improper posture can cause serious health problems, including Low Back Pain (LBP) and other musculoskeletal disorders. Many employees spend long hours sitting at their desks without realizing the impact of their posture on their health. To address this issue, an employee sitting posture detector has been developed to monitor and analyze sitting posture and duration, helping to prevent long-term health risks. This device uses eight load cell sensors strategically placed to measure weight distribution and detect different sitting positions with high accuracy. It also incorporates an SD card module for data storage and a high-accuracy Real-Time Clock (RTC) timer to record sitting duration. The microcontroller processes the collected data and transmits it via a Bluetooth module to a dedicated smartphone application, allowing users to track their posture in real time. The tool is capable of detecting eight different sitting postures: ergonomic, overlap left back, overlap right back, overlap left, overlap right, sit all, sit front, and sit front back up. When the system detects prolonged improper sitting postures, it activates an alarm to remind employees to adjust their posture or take breaks. By utilizing this device, employees can develop better sitting habits, reducing the risk of health issues related to poor posture. This tool not only improves individual well-being but also enhances workplace ergonomics, ultimately leading to increased productivity and a healthier work environment.
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